Computing with PocketCHIP
Youth using PocketCHIP.
Computer Science (CS) is a rapidly expanding field with many new and exciting opportunities. Computational Thinking (CT), a skill set and attitude that “involves solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior, by drawing on the concepts fundamental to computer science,” is essential for success in this discipline (Wing, 2006). In this project, we compared young people's design processes when using a visual mobile programming tool and a text-based mobile programming tool. We are investigating the following questions: Do participants improve their CT skills while programming and remixing on mobile devices and which of these skills are most frequently exhibited? What does remixing a game look like in a visual-based mobile programming tool versus a text-based mobile programming tool? How does this affect their view towards a career in computer science and their awareness and interest in technology?
This project was funded by USU’s Office of Research Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects grant to Chase Mortensen.