Devon Isaacs

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Devon Isaacs is a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and graduated with a B.A. in Psychology from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. At NSU, she was awarded the American Indian Mentorship Award from the Center for Tribal Studies for her work conducting research to benefit Native American peoples. After graduation, she was awarded a Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship at the Seven Generations Center of Excellence in Native American Behavioral Health at the University of North Dakota where she continued her research before entering a graduate program. Currently, Devon is a doctoral student at Utah State University in the Clinical/Counseling Combined PhD program with an emphasis in Rural/Multicultural Psychology.

Devon is a recipient of the Ford Predoctoral Fellowship and Presidential Doctoral Research (PDRF) Fellowship. Her research focuses on the intersection of culture and mental health, with an emphasis on risk and protective factors for Native American youth and young adults. She is currently working on developing cultural competence training for faculty working with Native American students. She recently won the American Psychological Association’s Division 35, Section 6 Cedar Award for research/service with Indigenous communities and the Division 45 Toy-Caldwell Colbert Student Contributions to Service Award. For self-care she enjoys learning more about the Cherokee language and practicing traditional crafts.